Kinda exactly like this:
I couldn't move my neck very well and had a tough time doing pretty much anything including driving, brushing my hair, scratching my head, or standing. Yeah, standing pretty much made everything hurt. So did sleeping. I made a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and found out I made things worse by inflaming the muscles and broken blood vessels by applying a heating pad on it while sleeping for three nights. I'm a smart cookie. I had to miss class and work because of it. Luckily, today it's feel a TON better. I don't need assistance trying to get out of bed or put on a shirt! Huzzah!
I know that I need to my busiest right now but it's been a blessing in disguise. I was able to relax (sort of) with out feeling like a lazy fat bum. I think I needed to rest due to all the stress that has accumulated over the past month.
I met up with Bivens this past Saturday for brunch and I forgot how effective having a positive person in my life can improve my mentality. He was 100% right on almost every subject. I knew it all but having an old friend repeat it back to you pounded it in. I need more positive thoughts. I need positive people. It's going to be a tough but it will be worth it in the long haul.
We are having to start over. Start from the beginning. Broke and in search of what we want out of life. More so for Andrew than for me. I want to stay away from those that helped lead us to the destruction path. This will include some decent people. I want to move on to those who help us out of this hole. Help us become our best. Want us to be our best. We are going to have to be very aware of how others truly affect us. They might not do drugs but they may like where we were. Some will like to feel superior over us. And some of those that have a more open mind to certain lifestyles might be a good influence that want us to succeed. We're deciphering it like an ancient code. We are trying not to be wrong. We need to learn to let it go. Keep going. Hike on. Keep the positive vibes close. Make new friends. Create a better life for ourselves. I have to keep repeating it to myself in order for it to seep in through the cracks. I grew up in a very negative space. It takes some work to be the opposite. I think it's worked. The more I repeat the positive events rather than the negatives, more positive things happen. It truly works. This jolt will lead to a better outcomes.