Thursday, May 28, 2015

Happy Thought

'Come On Eileen' will always bring a smile to my face. Thank you Brian Topp.

Brian: I'm working Tim, Do you understand?
Tim: No, sorry. You've got me there.
Brian: Trying... to... avoid... cliches... by not actually placing my brush on the canvas.
Tim: Wow. Right.
Brian: I'm using my penis.
Tim: Fiiinnalllllly.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Relaxing Day

Went to work and had a slow nice day.

Can you believe this beautiful sunset I'm enjoying on my way home?

Now it's time to enjoy my cook out burger, cheerwine, and Skyrim filled night. Looking forward to the day off tomorrow.

Memorial Day pictures coming soon! It was filled with friends and family. A bit much for me, as I tend to lean on the introvert side of the line but I loved seeing everyone.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Happy Adult Things

Adult things that make me happy:

- Having a full tank of gas on my way home from work.
- Very little traffic on my way home from work. Thanks Memorial Day Weekend!
- Having extra Boylan Black Cherry or root beer bottles for me to enjoy during the weekend.
- Looking forward to working out with Cynthia tonight. YAY endorphins!
- Having funds in the bank to relay on. It's comforting to know if I need gas or want dinner, I can get it no sweat. Plus, we've got rent covered!!! Wooooo!!  All thanks to a very very generous and sweet old friend.
-Having a good job to go to. That and having the hours and responsibilities rise. Helps that the other girl in my department wasn't there today which allowed me to learn much quicker. I think she's sweet but she's incompetent and creates issues for my other coworkers. I just want to work in peace. And it happened today!
-Planning on brunch with my two good friends Bivens and Jane tomorrow morning. Can't wait.
-Having the ingredients for one of my favorite breakfast recipes, egg souffle. It's easy and delicious. I think I plan to make it Sunday.
-Having wonderful parents that are willing to invest in my photography with a 50mm f/1.8 lens! It is amazing and I can't wait to use it more. Which reminds me, I need to edit the photos from last Sunday's shoot.

All good things. Trying to keep my head up even though I didn't get the internship at Turner. Eh well. I'm sure it's for the best. :)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Let's Explore Zen

The semester has finished and all the grades are good. Now I can look forward to registering for classes that actually attribute to knowledge of my degree. Blegh, this semester was irritating. Then again, I've been having issues with that.

I need to learn how to be less angry and more patient and happy. Andrew is amazing at keeping cool under pressure. The first sign of my plans going array and I start cringing at the irritation of my not-so-smooth plans. I let my nerves take a hold of me in eruptions of bitter outbursts. Uncool. Perhaps I will take up meditating? Yoga? Well see. But controlling my temper and reducing my stress is something I will need to work on. I don't want to be the angry friend. Nor the angry daughter.

I have to start looking for a summer job. Thinking about serving again makes me want to cry. I don't think it's going to help with the temper issue. Ha.

Btw, what is it when Donna hits on Captain Jack but he doesn't return the gesture? Wtf. He hits on rocks but not scrumptious hilarious Donna? Psht. Bullshit.