Wednesday, June 22, 2016

"Edgewood Welcomes You"

I'm laying in my bed in my new apartment downtown unable to wash the dishes or finish building the punching bag because our AC is on the fritz and it's just too damn hot to do anything besides lay next to these 2 fans. Run on sentence ftw.

It's a cute little 2 bedroom. Our neighbors are nice and our landlord isn't a slumlord. So those are pluses! We are without some essential pieces of furniture but we're making due. I already quit a terrible job. I did it in a childish way but I couldn't stand one more day there. Serving has taken its toll on me. I dislike how much it makes me hate people. I usually see the good in everyone. Except when I'm their server. Then I see why there should be a hell and everyone should be in it. It's not good for me. It's not good for them.

I need to find another route to make money. Quick. Get the negativity from that job out of me. Quick. Find a way to buy a couch. Quick.

Things have been great over all. We've been fortunate. Just trying our best to better ourselves as best we can with out resources.

Our next goal? Get internet. Mostly for me. I need to get my Adobe certification so that I can start learning graphic design. :) Then, save enough to finish the last year of school.

Goals man. I've got 'em. It's taking FOREVER though. I don't want to tell all of my goals though. I heard the more you vocalize it, the less likely it is from happening. That's the power of others thoughts. Well, better try and muster up some energy and put away the laundry. Ewgh it's too hot.