Thursday, July 31, 2014

Good Night July!

I GOT A's! The finals, lab experiments, and lectures on how enzymes work are over! I aced that shit! I have never been a science person. I have never excelled in the sciences, so, when I say I received an A in my lab and lecture Cellular Biology courses, I want you to understand how ecstatic I am. It, also, helps that it will be my last science course EVER. SO. HAPPY.

I'm still waiting to hear back from GA State. I know I like the choice of film but I was curious as to what type of film classes I will be needing to take for my major and the choices seemed a little... rudimentary? That sounds a little harsh but 'Adapting Literature to Film'? Isn't that almost every film made? Or 'Gender Studies in TV and Film'? I just feel like you don't have to have college courses in these subjects in order to get it. I thought the study of film would be more on the technical side. Classes on making films not analyzing the story line. Who knows? Maybe it'll be amazing. Better than I thought it would be. I hope so. I will say I am excited to find out. I just keep playing with the idea of changing majors... AGAIN. I find loads of things interesting and can see myself doing an array of careers. This issue reminds me of Sylvia Plath.

130. SYLVIA PLATH: The fig tree  This is my worst fear.  Take action and be happy with the life path that you choose.

I've seen a few of the figs wrinkle and go black but some are still available for the taking. The longer I wait to pick what I want... the more black wrinkled figs are at my feet. I need to be happy with the one I choose to eat. Maybe I could eat multiple.

Any who, this week has filled with relaxation. No work. No school. Nothing but watching tv, riding my pretty white bike, and cuddling with the pups. I help Andrew out every once in a while. It's just been nice. However, I do get stir crazy. I'm looking to buy the extra equipment my photographer mentor instructed me purchase. Maybe I'll get on and push the "Order" button so that I can move on and practice my craft.

Good things that happened in July:

  1. First holiday off since I quit my job! I had lunch with Andrew's family. Afterwards, saw my old friends at a BBQ. Bivens gave me some good info on photography. Followed by a sparkling firework display  at the Sweet Apple Elementary with Andrew and my Mom. I love any event that invite food trucks. That and they gave us free water and yummy blue popsicles when we entered the seating area!
  2. Liz taught me what all the fancy buttons did on my Nikon. Turns out I don't need to invest in a 50mm lens and those 'Beginner Photography' blogs don't offer that much quality info. 
  3. Bought my bike. My beautiful white Giant. I've ridden her several times now. She and the Green Way make a soothing combo that brings a smile to my face. I love the freedom riding her brings me. 
  4. Got 2 A's in Biology. I didn't think that would happen but I slammed Meiosis and Cellular Respiration facts so hard in my brain, I'm afraid I'll never get rid of it. Just kidding. It's been half a month and it's all gone. =D
  5. Andrew bought me "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. A very sweet gesture. I need to start reading it but I'm fearful that it may have the death of a dog be the outcome of the book. With my hormones outta whack, I don't think I'll finish this book with dry eyes. 
  6. Caught up with lots of friends. Different functions. Old and new. It's nice to catch up. Whether it be an old co-worker at a kayak trip or my short but tough city gal, Hol, at the Ice Cream Festival in Piedmont Park. 
  7. Ate dinner with my two favorite people, Andrew and Cyn, at a newly found Thai restaurant that might be the best place I've ever eaten. Nahm Thai. Mmmm...mmm... fresh Thai tea!
  8. Cyn took me to Sweet Hut for the first time. They have delectable bread. Reminded me of Colombia bakeries even though it was Asian.
  9. Visited Rock City, Ruby Falls, and the Chattanooga Aquarium with some close friends. 
  10. Captured the affections of Lilly Grace. Haley's, Andrew's cousin, daughter. She said she liked me after we sang "Let It Go" from Frozen together. Little girls like Disney. Who knew? I made friends with a kid! Go me! 
  11. Andrew knew I've been bummed out lately so he bought me tickets to go see 'Guardians of the Galaxy'. Oh, how I hope they combine that team with the Avengers. Eeee! My fan girl is peaking out I see.
Just thought I'd remind myself of good things. When I don't somewhere to be, being stuck at home can freshen up some depressing emotions so I have to make sure to be on my toes about leaving the house everyday. Even if it's to get a chai tea latte or to go ride my bike on the Green Way. 

Later bitches!

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